

Montreal AI and Neuroscience (MAIN) is an international conference organized by the UNIQUE Centre at the University of Montreal.

MAIN 2021 Committee: The MAIN organizing committee consists of Pierre Bellec (Université de Montréal), Andrea Green (Université de Montréal), Karim Jerbi (Mila & Université de Montréal), Guillaume Lajoie (Mila & Université de Montréal), Jean-Marc Lina (École de technologie supérieure), Bratislav Misic (MNI, McGill University), Irina Rish (Mila & Université de Montréal) and Danielle Nadin (Co-Founder Black In Neuro).

MAIN 2021 Educational Workshop organizers and instructors: Pierre Bellec, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Julie Boyle, Emilie Dessureault, Jérôme Dockes, Nikhil Bhagwat, Francois Paugam, Shima Rastegarnia, Pravish Sainath and Hao-Ting Wang.

Coordination & administration: Josefina Rossell, UNIQUE Centre coordinator.

MAIN Scientific Advisory Board: The scientific program of MAIN is established with the help of an extended group of experts in the field of AI and Neuroscience, most of whom are members of the UNIQUE Centre.

Andrea Green

Pierre Bellec

Irina Rish

Bratislav Misic

Karim Jerbi

Danielle Nadin

Guillaume Lajoie

Jean-Marc Lina

MAIN Logistics Dream Team

MAIN 2021 is lucky to have the support of an outstanding group of smart and motivated students from the UNIQUE Neuro-AI research Centre: Charlotte Maschke, François Paugam, Marie-Ève Picard, Andreanne Proulx, Pravish Sainath, Mandana Samiei, Nazanin Sepahvand, Laura Suarez, Mostafa Sharifzade and Theresa Wiesner.

Charlotte Maschke

François Paugam

Marie-Eve Picard

Andreanne Proulx

Mostafa Sharifzadeh

Mandana Samiei

Nazanin Sepahvand

Pravish Sainath

Laura Suarez

Theresa Wiesner


MAIN is organized by UNIQUE, a Quebec Neuro-AI Research Center, which is primarily funded by the FRQNT and supported by 8 institutions and multiple programs. MAIN 2021 is particularly grateful for the generous support of IVADO and Cerebrum.

Previous meetings

MAIN 2020 website

MAIN 2020 Speakers: Pouya Bashivan (McGill University) | Danielle Bassett (University of Pennsylvania) | Tim Behrens (University of Oxford) | Yoshua Bengio (Mila, Université de Montréal) | Stefanie Blain-Moraes (McGill University) | Ian Charest (University of Birmingham | Paul Cisek (Université de Montréal) | Stanislas Dehaene (Collège de France) | Guillaume Dumas (Université de Montréal) | Becket Ebitz (Université de Montréal) | Alona Fyshe (University of Albert) | Eve Marder (Brandeis University) | Lucia Melloni (Max-Planck Institute) | Lisa Miracchi (University of Pennsylvania | Ida Momennejad (Microsoft Research) | Doina Precup (Mila, McGill University) | Pradeep Reddy Raamana (University of Pittsburgh) | Blake Richards (Mila, McGill University) | Irina Rish (Mila, Université de Montréal) | Nicole Rust (University of Pennsylvania) | Anil Seth (University of Sussex) | Sara Solla (Northwestern University) | Kim Stachenfeld (Google DeepMind) | Jessica Thompson (Mila, Université de Montréal) | James Whittington (University of Oxford) | Kareem Zaghloul (NIH, NINDS) | Pamela Douglas (UCF/UCLA) | Gunnar Blohm (Queen's University)

MAIN 2019 website | MAIN hands-on training

MAIN 2019 Speakers: Blaise Agüera y Arcas | (Google AI) Ismail Ben Ayed (ETS Montreal) | Yoshua Bengio (Université de Montréal) | SueYeon Chung (Columbia University) | Radoslaw Martin Cichy (Free University Berlin ) | Patricia Conrod (Université de Montréal) | Timothy Lillicrap (Google DeepMind) | Mackenzie Mathis (Harvard University) | Richard Naud (University of Ottawa) | Amy Orsborn (University of Washington) | Sara Solla (Nortwestern University) | Susanne Still (University of Hawaii at Mānoa) | Leila Wehbe (Carnegie Mellon University) | Anthony M. Zador (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)

MAIN 2018 website

MAIN 2018 Speakers: Yoshua Bengio (MILA, Université de Montréal) | Blake Richards (University of Toronto) | Irina Rish (AI Foundations Learning, IBM Watson Research, NY, USA) | Sebastian Stober, Machine Learning in Cognitive Science Group, Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany | Danilo Bzdok, Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Yves Fregnac, Unité de Neurosciences, Information et Complexité, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. | Pascal Vincent, MILA and Facebook, Computer Science and Operations Research Dept, Université de Montréal, Canada | Michael Mozer, Univ Boulder Colorado, USA | Radoslaw Martin Cichy (Neural Dynamics of Visual Cognition Group, Free University Berlin, Berlin, Germany) | Pamela Douglas (Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, UCLA, Los Angeles, United States) | Alexandre Gramfort (INRIA, Parietal Team , Université Paris Saclay, France) | Doina Precup (McGill and DeepMind, Montreal, Canada) | Daniel Yamins (NeuroAILab, Stanford Neurosciences Institute, Stanford University, CA, USA) | Tatyana Sharpee (Computational Neurobiology Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, San Diego, CA, USA) | Ben D Huh (MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA). Instructors for the hands-on training sessions: Andrew Doyle, Joseph Paul Cohen, Thomas Funck, Christopher Beckham, Pierre Bellec, Amal Boukhdhir, Elizabeth DuPré, Greg Kiar, Basile Pinsard, Jacob Vogel.